Lucky Number Scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2022
By Member Stacy Shank
January 14, 2022

Tickets are $25 per person.  If you purchase your ticket prior to February 15, 2022, you are eligible to be entered in the Early Drawing held on Monday, February 21 at 7 pm for a chance at one of the twenty - $25 prizes.  You are still eligible for the final drawing the night of the dinner.  The dinner is a 1/2 BBQ chicken, steamed shrimp, macaroni salad, baked beans and dessert.  Snacks and drinks are also provided.

Raffles and other games of chance available.  Doors for the event open at 4:00 pm, dinner is served at 5:00 pm and the final raffle is held around 8:30 pm.  For tickets please, go to the event page and click the link (minimal service fee) or call Sandy (after 5 pm) at 717-577-9570 (leave a voicemail) or text. 

All tickets must be purchased by February 15, 2022. There will be NO ticket sales at the door.

All ticket holders MUST BE 21.

Hyperlinks: Ticket Link